Configure Instances Internet Access


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What is internet access for instances created with the Scripts?

  • How to configure such internet access?

  • Configure the base domain name for each instance domain name.

  • Configure the security group that will enable accessing each instance with ssh.

  • Configure the subnet to which instances will be connected and hence accessible.


Please read Workshops Organisation if you haven’t done so. To complete this episode you will need:

  • if you are self-studying the course or attending a workshop using your AWS account:
    • to have created and configured your AWS account as described in Episodes 1 and 2 of Lesson 1, namely: Create Your AWS Account and Configure Your AWS Account.
    • the AWS Console login details of your IAM user account: login page, username and password.
  • if you are attending a workshop using a Cloud-SPAN AWS account (and an AWS Linux instance), you don’t need to complete this episode.



These are the main steps you will follow to configure internet access for the instances you will create with the Scripts:

  1. Create Your Base Domain Name.
    The base domain name you will create will be configured so that the Scripts can create a sub-domain name for each instance. If you are using an AWS institutional account, your base domain name may itself be a sub-domain within a domain name managed by your institution. Check the callout at the end of this section to ensure your based domain name is properly configured by you or your IT department.

  2. Create Your AWS Security Group.
    An AWS security group is a set of rules to configure the Internet communication ports of AWS instances. The security group you will create will enable the communication port used by the ssh program. We only need one security group as all instances need the same configuration. If you are using an AWS institutional account, you should not have any problem creating a security group — try to create it; if you cannot then contact your IT deparment.

  3. Select an AWS Subnet to Access the Instances.
    An AWS subnet is a network within an AWS region to which the instances created by the Scripts will be connected so that they can be accessed from anywhere. You will select one of the subnets available in the Ireland region. If you are using an AWS institutional account, you may be able or need to use a subnet already setup by your IT department — ask them.

You are going to create those three resources using the AWS Console with your IAM user account. These are the instructions to login to your IAM account:

  • Open a new browser window and enter the address of the login page for your account IAM users. The address contains your account alias or your 12-digit account number and has this form:
  • Enter your IAM username and password. You may also get a Security check to complete.
  • Set the region to Ireland (eu-west-1) if it is not, by clicking on the drop-down menu on the top to the right, see top right on the page below.

1. Create Your Base Domain Name

Go to the Route 53 Dashboard

You are now logged in to your IAM account. To create your base domain name, type route 53 in the AWS search box at the top and press Enter.

Screenshot of AWS Console page in a browser with the region drop-down menu on the top right and the AWS search box in the middle top circled

You will be presented with the “Route 53 Dashboard”. Click on Register domain.

Screenshot of AWS Console "Route 53 Dashboard" page in a browser with the option "Register domain" on the bottom right circled

Choose your domain name

On the page that appears, “Choose a domain name”, you are going to:

Two screenshots put together of the AWS Console "Choose a domain name" page in a browser with the following items circled: on the top left the box to enter a domain, on the top right the drop-down to choose the top-level domain and to the right the Check button to check availabilty, just below that button the "Add to cart" button, and the bottom right the Continue button.

Enter the contact details for your domain

You will now be presented with the page “Contact Details for Your 1 Domain”. Do as follows in this page:

Screenshot of AWS Console "Contact Details for Your 1 Domain" page in a browser with the following two items circled: above the middle to the right, the Yes button for the option "My Registrant, Administrative, and Technical Contacts are all the same", and in the middle the "Person" value for the option "Contact Type".

Check your contact details and complete order

In the page that appears, “Check your contact details” (not shown below), you will see at the top the contact details for your Registrant Contact, Administrative Contact and Technical Contact — our contacts are not shown.

Scroll down until you see options shown below.

Screenshot of AWS Console "Check your contact details" page but scrolled down so that, that page title is not shown; in the part that is shown, the following items are circled: in the middle left the "Disable" radio button for option "Do you want to automatically renew your domain", in the bottom left the checked checkbox for "I have read and agree to the AWS Domain Name Registration Agreement", and on the bottom right the "Complete Order" button   that in a browser with the region menu at the top right and AWS CloudShell option in the middle top circled

You will then be presented with the page below. First click Close and then Hosted zones on the left pane.

Screenshot of AWS Console "Thank you for registering your domain with Route 53" page in a browser showing the callout message "Order submitted successfully" and the button Close on the bottom right circled; also circled is the option "Hosted zones" on the top left in the pane menu of the page

Make a note of your host zone name (domain name) and host zone id

In the page that appears, “Hosted zones”, your domain name should be listed as shown in the page below for our domain name

However, it may take a few (2-3) minutes for your domain name to be registered and hence to appear in the domain name list.

Refresh the page every now and then until your domain name appears. Then click “your-domain-name” (

Screenshot of AWS Console "Hosted zones" page in a browser with the domain name "" in the middle bottom circled

In the page that appears, “your-domain-name”, click Hosted zone details, and from the details that will be displayed, make a note of both the Hosted zone name (your domain name) and the Hosted zone ID (concealed in dark grey below), as you will use them later to configure the Scripts.

Screenshot of AWS Console "" domain name page in a browser with the following items circled: above the middle to the right, the drop-down menu "Hosted zone details", in the midle the "Hosted zone name" and its value, and below the "Hosted zone ID" with its value hidden.

If you are using an institutional AWS account:

Recall that the base domain name was created with an AWS personal account and that instances domain names will have the form, where instancename-001 will be a subdomain name within awsplaicloudcom.

If you are using an AWS institutional account, your base domain name will likely be something like, and instances domain names will have the form, where:

  • is the base domain name of the University of York, and has two parts: the domain name per se, york, and the domain suffix or top-level domain (TLD),, which must be chosen among various other suffixes such as: .com, .edu, .net, .org, .link, etc.
  • aws is a subdomain managed by the IT department to identify AWS domains used by a department or project within the university — similar subdomains are gcp for Google Cloud Platform, and azure for Microsoft cloud platform.
  • cloud-span is the subdomain configured by the IT department for the Cloud-SPAN project. Note that words separated by a hyphen (-) count as a single word in domain and subdomain names. It is the dot . that separates a domain name into subdomains, though some subdomains pairs are handled as one, for example: is handled as one TLD by AWS and probably by other providers of domain names.
  • instancename-001 is the subdomain for the instance-001 created by the Scripts.
  • IMPORTANT: while both cloud-span and instancename-001 are both subdomains (within and respectively), they are configured differently:
    • cloud-span is configured as a host zone (as was configured above), and hence has an AWS host zone id. You need to configure, or ask your IT department to configure, your base domain name as a host zone so you can configure the Scripts with the corresponding host zone name and host zone id.
    • instancename-001, instancename-002.., instancename-999 are configured by the Scripts as A Records (which map domain names to IPv4 addresses) within the specified host zone.

2. Create Your AWS Security Group

Go to the “Security Groups” menu

To create your security group, type ec2 in the AWS search box at the top and press Enter. Check that you are in the Ireland region and set it thus if not.

Screenshot of AWS Console page in a browser with the region drop-down menu on the top right and the AWS search box in the middle top circled

You will be presented with the (Elastic Compute Cloud) “EC2 Dashboard”. On the left menu pane, click on Security Groups (under Network & Security) — you may need to scroll down the left menu pane to see Security Groups.

Screenshot of AWS Console "EC2 Dashboard" page in a browser with the heading "EC2 Dashboard" on the top left underlined, and the option "Security Groups" on bottom left circled.

Create and name your security group

On the page that appears, “Security Groups”, click Create security group — ignore the default security group if it is listed.

Screenshot of AWS Console "Security Groups" page in a browser with the button "Create security group" circled.

You will be presented with the page “Create security group”. In this page you are going to type a name and a description for your security group, as shown below:

Screenshot of AWS Console "Create security group" page in a browser with options "Security group name" and Description circled.

Create the inbound rules for your security group

Now scroll down the page until you see the heading Inbound rules:

Screenshot of AWS Console "Create security group" page in a browser, scrolled down and showing the button "Add rule" circled.

We are going to specify for inbound rules:

The first four columns of the table should now look like this:

Type Protocol Port Range Source
SSH TCP 22 Anywhere-IPv4
SSH TCP 22 Anywhere-IPv6
Custom TCP TCP 8787 Anywhere-IPv4
Custom TCP TCP 8787 Anywhere-IPv6

There is no need to define outbound rules nor tags.

Scroll down to the end of the page and click Create security group.

Make a note of your security group id

You should now see a page like the one below showing the details of your security group including the inbound rules you created. Make a note of your security group id at the top (concealed in dark grey in the page below), as you will use it later to configure the Scripts.

Screenshot of AWS Console "Cloud-SPAN Security Group" page in a browser showing the security group ID circled but hidden.

3. Select an AWS Subnet to Access the Instances

Go to the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Dashboard

To select an AWS Subnet, type vpc in the AWS search box at the top and press Enter. Check that you are in the Ireland region and set it thus if not.

Screenshot of AWS Console page in a browser with the region drop-down menu at the top right and AWS search box in the middle top circled

You will be presented with the “VPC Dashboard”. Click Subnets.

Screenshot of AWS Console "VPC Dashboard" page in a browser with the option Subnet on the menu pane on the left and on the body page on the left circled, and the region drop-down menu on the top right showing Ireland circled as well.

Choose a subnet and make a note of its subnet-id

In the page that appears, “Subnets”, you will see the three subnets available in the Ireland region. Choose one and make a note of its subnet-id as you will use it later to configure the Scripts.

Screenshot of AWS Console Subnets page in a browser showing the resource IDs of the subnets available in the Ireland region, in the middle of the page, circled.

Key Points

  • If you are using a personal account, the base domain name you created will incur some minor cost.

  • If you are using a institutional account, the base domain name may need to be created by your IT department, and you may need to use a subnet managed by your IT department.