Case Studies in Experimental Design

In these three episodes we will be looking at case studies and looking at how these are good or bad examples of experimental designs. We will be covering an RNAseq example, an anerobic digestion metabolomics example and we will also be covering the LTEE dataset.


00:00 1. RNAseq example How can we use experimental design in an RNAseq experiment?
Can we understand what is good and bad experimental design?
00:50 2. AD metabolomics example What are batch effects? How can we minimise them when performing mass spec experiments?
How can we order our samples in mass spec experiments in order to reduce biases in the data?
01:30 3. E. coli long-term evolution experiment example Are all experiments experimental?
What additional questions could we pose when using long established experiments?
02:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.